Have you ever thought about owning a Supermoto Grand Prix team?

Loris Ford-Dunn P2 in Poland

If you have ever wondered what the cost would be to actually own your own World championship motorcycle racing team, then Supermotoland has a few answers for you.

What is Supermoto Racing?

Supermoto racing is probably one of the cheapest forms of world championship motorcycle racing. With its exciting mix of high speed road circuits, combined with a slippery dirt section with jumps, you are guaranteed a spectacle that has a growing following. Combined with the TV coverage and the push from many motorcycle manufacturers towards supermoto road bikes, supermoto racing is a growing sport.

Value for Money

The costs, and the ability to be at the front of the field make Supermoto Grand Prix (S1GP) racing very enticing.

Build your own team

Supermotoland has all the infrastructure to run an S1GP team for you. With our own training track, workshop and dyno room in Murcia, Spain, We can test and train all year round to build a team capable of competing at the highest level in S1GP.

The Cost

The anticipated cost to run a competitive S1GP team is 300,000 euros a year.

2 man team

If you wanted to field a 2 rider team and double your chances of good results and exposure then the anticipated cost would be 500,000 euros a year.

That’s a lot of money!

It is a lot of money, but you would be producing one of the top teams in the championship, that given time could bring you a world title. This budget would put you at the top end of the sport with a well run professional team capable of great things.

Want to know more

If you want to know more about what Supermotoland can do for you, then contact Mat Ford-Dunn at race@supermotoland.com . Anything is possible……………..

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